Our Platforms | EdPower
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EdPower’s platforms are designed to serve as the foundation for effective instructional technology use by implementing award-winning tools that create valuable insights for teachers and leaders. Our intuitive cloud-based solutions allow educators to identify and infuse equitable practices that promote individual student achievement through actionable data.

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EdAssess provides a simple and intuitive user interface that teachers and students have come to love. Every day thousands of teachers and students use EdAssess to manage, deliver and take assessments utilizing multiple device types.

  • Effectively measure the level of proficiency for each student. Utilizing results data, districts can use EdAssess' proprietary reporting to identify gaps and adjust targeted curriculum accordingly.

  • Leverage recommended assessment cycle to tailor your strategy, including formative, interim and summative testing. EdAssess' suite of reports will allow educators to benchmark performance and provide support implementing targeted instruction.

  • Utilizing standards-aligned prebuilt assessments district leaders can develop a comprehensive assessment strategy for all grade levels. EdAssess provides exceptional reporting from a district overview down to student level results.

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Empower teachers to drive personal growth via a secure cloud-based portfolio! Easily store and share artifacts that correlate to specific aspects of any state or district's professional educator framework.

  • Leverage district or state-mandated frameworks and forms while adding support mechanisms for coaching and mentoring, such as SEL, new teacher induction programs, and more without creating redundancies!

  • Districts can pull in content from virtually any source to provide a customizable and easily searchable catalog of professional development resources with credit-tracking capabilities.

  • Tagging standards is a unique advantage to EdFolio, which enables the evaluator to quickly recall and catalog evidence linking every note, artifact and/or course to the appropriate standard for all district staff.

  • Offers detailed insights on activity and progress as well as strengths and opportunities. Leaders can then individualize plans for strategically aligned professional development and other supportive actions.

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EdHub provides educators with impactful longitudinal e-files.  Start the year knowing all students are on the right track!

Document process workflow

  • Plug actions directly into student learning plans

  • Manage PBIS programs

  • Collaborate through PLC's

Maintain YOY learner profiles

  • Synch with most any SIS

  • Set and manage goals

  • Testing accommodations

  • Upload highlighted work

Plans can be utilized for...

  • College and Career Readiness

  • Gifted Pathways

  • ELL, SEL & Literacy

  • SPED, 504 & IEP

Address the whole child

  • Aggregate assessment data from various sources

  • Prescribe instruction from district approved resources

  • Parent/Student portal

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EdInsights can shorten your process, seamlessly organize raw data into actionable insights, and drive data discussions to guide instruction in real-time with brilliant data visualization reporting.


Educators can now gain critical insights on how to meticulously plan achievement strategies with confidence while learning how to understand and apply the data, track progress, increase communication and more!

  • EdInsights powerful data visualizations will give PLC’s access to incredible adaptive displays in real-time.

  • Go beyond assessments by encompassing key performance indicators such as behavior, attendance, intervention outcomes, and more.

  • With our regular report pulls, leaders will have access to actionable data and structured professional development.

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