EdInsider Blog

Before Edhub the data lived in different silos, on different servers, and in paper files throughout the district. We had no effective and consistent way to share information, collaborate on student plans, or effectively track and analyze the data over time. Having an e-file on every student empowers our teachers, gives them more time to teach and effectively collaborate to provide the best learning experience for every student. EdHub is the one-stop-shop for our school district.

We see this system as an important tool to help school districts and administrators comply with Idaho laws and rules around evaluations. The EdFolio system provides guidelines and step-by-step instructions that would assist any administrator, regardless of their tenure in the profession, in the staff evaluation and improvement process.

Using EdAssess teachers pulled data focusing on standards students had not met and created unit tests to assess mastery. They stayed committed to the work all year. The payoff was ISAT scores going up 15% from the year before! All of our core classes made gains, growth, and improvement. We have been celebrating and sharing the data across the district. Can’t wait to see the data this year!